Noise complaints from downstairs neighbors can be a significant source of stress for those living in multi-story dwellings. Whether it’s the sound of footsteps or loud music, it’s important to take proactive steps to ensure your neighbor is not disturbed by the noise you make.
If a person’s neighbor continues to cause disturbances, they can resort to legal action. ( It is a viable option and they have the right to file a lawsuit. They can request the court to either award them monetary compensation or order their neighbor to cease the noise, which is legally known as “abate the nuisance.” If the person is seeking monetary compensation exclusively, they can utilize small claims court as a means of legal recourse. It is important to know and understand one’s legal rights in such situations and take necessary action to bring about a peaceful and amicable resolution.
Moreover, according to state law, ( implied warranty of habitability can be breached if there is excessive or unreasonable noise in a rental property.
Here are 12 practical options to make them happy if your downstairs neighbor complaining about noise.
From soundproofing materials to scheduling quiet times, these tips will help you maintain a peaceful living environment for yourself and your neighbor.
Moreover, we have discussed how to make your neighbor understand the problem.

Table of Contents
Common Sources of Noise in Apartments
We’ve compiled a list of familiar noise sources to help you identify the culprits and find ways to eliminate or minimize them.
- First on the list is loud music and TV – we all love a good jam session or movie marathon, but let’s be considerate of our neighbors!
- Next up, footsteps and moving furniture can cause quite a racket, so be mindful of your movements and invest in some area rugs or furniture pads.
- Barking dogs and noisy pets can be adorable, but they can also be disruptive – train your furry friends and keep them entertained with toys and activities.
- Finally, renovations and repairs can sometimes be unavoidable, but try to schedule them for reasonable hours and give your neighbors a heads-up. With these tips, you can live in peace (and quiet) in your apartment!
The Story of My Best Friend, Kim

My friend Kim was living a happy life in New York City with her hubby and two children, living in an old apartment that had been her home for the past five years. Everything seemed great until a new family moved into the downstairs apartment one day and started complaining about the noise they heard coming from Kim’s place. Even though her family had never been boisterous, the neighbors were adamant that some disturbance was coming from above them.
Kim wasn’t sure what to do, so she first tried reaching out to them to explain the situation and see if they could understand or compromise; alas, it seemed all her efforts were for naught. That’s when she came to me for advice, so I suggested we try soundproofing materials like soft carpeting, thick curtains, and more to quell any noise from upstairs without impacting Kim and her children’s lives too much. After ensuring the apartment was soundproof, Kim was relieved that the noise issue had been solved!
Furthermore, I also recommended she attempt to build a relationship with her downstairs neighbors and try to make friends. To her surprise, this worked wonders as the two families grew to know each other better and discovered how much they had in a joint. From then on, Kim and her family felt better knowing they had people close by who were supportive, understanding, and ready to help them if needed.
Realizing that making friends was the best way to handle an uncomfortable situation like this one, I was proud that Kim stuck it out and persevered until everything worked out. After all, is said and done, Kim can happily enjoy her time in her New York City apartment without having to worry about bothering the family downstairs once more.
Common Complaints Made by the Downstairs Neighbors about Noise
The complaints made by the downstairs neighbors generally revolved around hearing an unnerving amount of noise coming from upstairs.
Examples included Kim’s children running and playing, furniture moving around, and loud music and television programs.
These were some of the concerns raised by the family below.
One could often hear loud conversations among Kim’s family members that were easily heard by those living close quarters.
The neighbors made it clear that the noise was disruptive and was increasingly frustrated with it.
Understanding Your Lease Agreement and Local Laws
Noise-related clauses in lease agreements:
Tenants must read and understand their lease agreement regarding noise, as some landlords may include clauses prohibiting excessive noise.
It’s also important to be aware of local laws and regulations regarding noise, as they can vary from one city or state to another.
For example, in most cities, some laws restrict the amount of noise that can be heard outside a residence.
If a tenant is found to violate these laws, they could face fines or even eviction. Therefore, tenants must be mindful of their actions and take reasonable steps to minimize any disruption caused by excessive noise.
Local laws and noise ordinances:
In addition to lease agreements, tenants should familiarize themselves with local laws and noise ordinances, as these can vary between cities or states.
For example, in some cities, there may be specific times of the day when certain noises are prohibited. Additionally, some cities may restrict the noise that can be heard outside a residence.
Tenants need to review and understand these laws and ordinances to know what is expected of them regarding noise levels.
Your rights and responsibilities as a tenant:
Tenants need to be aware of their rights and responsibilities regarding noise.
For example, tenants can expect a certain level of quiet and privacy in their living space. On the other hand, they are also responsible for taking reasonable steps to minimize any disruption caused by excessive noise.
In this situation, Kim should be mindful of her children’s activities and ensure they aren’t making too much noise. She should also inform her family members about the complaints from downstairs and ask them to keep their voices down when possible.
12 Options if your downstairs neighbor complaining about noise
#1. Install soundproof insulation
By adding soundproof insulation to the ceiling, walls, and even the apartment floors, the material will absorb much of the noise from above, preventing it from traveling to the lower levels.
Insulation is one of the most effective ways to block sound, as it will act as a barrier between floors without affecting your home decor.
According to angi, the cost of soundproofing depends on the scale of the project. Generally, you can expect to spend around $10 to $30 per square foot for professional installation and materials if you hire a local soundproofing expert.
Best ways to install soundproof insulation to prevent sound through the floors:
- Install a soundproofing foam barrier between the two floors
- Add a layer of sound-absorbing material, such as acoustic foam or mineral wool, to the existing flooring
- Install carpet or rugs in the apartment
- Install a suspended ceiling to absorb sound
- Place sound-dampening mats between the floors and walls
- Seal all gaps and cracks with acoustic caulk
- Place rugs or carpets in areas that are prone to echoing
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#2. Upgrade old doors and windows
Old doors and windows may need to be adequately sealed and can cause sound to resonate throughout the entire building if they are not filled tightly enough.
Upgrading these fixtures is a great way to prevent sound from slipping through any openings and will help reduce noise levels inside your home and save energy.
#3. Utilize rugs and curtains
Covering up wooden or hard flooring with thick rugs and placing heavy curtains over windows are great ways to absorb any noise that might reverberate off these materials otherwise.
Rugs and curtains will also make a room homier and inviting, which can result in better sound absorption.
Covering floors with thick rugs works to reduce noise levels in a home.
The thickness of the rug acts as a barrier between the floor and the room, absorbing sound that would otherwise reverberate off hard surfaces.
Rugs can help to dramatically reduce noise levels, making it easier to hear conversations and other sounds in the home.
#4. Use weather stripping
Seals around doors, windows, and other openings are essential for soundproofing, as sound can easily pass through cracks and make its way from one part of the house to the other.
Weatherstripping these areas will create a tight seal that ensures no noise escapes from the premises. This process is a great way to reduce noise without investing in additional materials.
The best way to weather strip is to use foam tape, weather stripping, and door sweeps.
Foam tape is applied around the edges of doors and windows to create an airtight seal.
Weatherstripping, usually made from rubber or vinyl, can be installed along the edges of doors and windows to create a barrier between the outside air and the inside of your home.
Finally, door sweeps are placed at the bottom of doors to prevent sound from seeping through small gaps.
All three techniques should be used together to achieve maximum soundproofing results.
#5 Adjust the volume
Soundproofing materials are a great solution, but if that is not an option, you can voluntarily reduce the volume of your music and other noise-making activities.
Reducing the volume requires some self-control. It is easy to forget how loud one can be, but setting reasonable sound limits will ensure your downstairs neighbor’s pleasant living experience.
#6 Change the location of loud activities
Noise from the upper floor may be brutal to contain. Still, strategically rearranging activities like cooking and laundry to avoid noise-sensitive rooms can significantly reduce sound impact from the above floor.
These simple solutions will help keep the peace between neighbors and ensure that everyone can enjoy a quiet, peaceful environment in their homes, along with maintaining noise activities to a reasonable level and investing in soundproofing materials.
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#7 Use headphones
More people realize the advantage of headphones in reducing external noise. Listening to music through a pair of high-quality headphones can help reduce sound levels while fully immersing the listener in their favorite tunes without disturbing anyone else in their house.
Using headphones is a great way to remain undisturbed while listening to your favorite tunes, podcasts, or audiobooks without adding more sound to the home environment.
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#8 Schedule Noise-making Activities
Noise at certain times of the day can be disruptive to others, so scheduling noisy activities like vacuuming or running the washer/dryer at times when your downstairs neighbor is out of the house can also help together keep noise levels to a minimum.
By understanding your neighbor’s schedule, you can plan your activities accordingly so everyone in the house can enjoy quiet.
Be mindful of your noise levels, particularly late at night or early morning. Activities like vacuuming, cleaning furniture, and washing dishes at reasonable levels will help keep the peace with the downstairs neighbors.
The noise regulations set by the NYC noise code require that any loud music or noise should be stopped by 10 PM. It is recommended that all neighbors should report any instances of loud music after 10 PM by filing a noise complaint with 311. This will help to ensure that the noise regulations are observed and that everyone can enjoy a peaceful environment.
#9 Be Mindful of Your Activities
Finally, the most important thing is to be conscious of the effect of your activities on those around you.
Awareness of the noise level you’re creating and monitoring it can ensure your neighbor is not disturbed.
Being mindful and showing consideration for your downstairs neighbor will go a long way in creating an environment of respect and courtesy in your home.
#11 Mediation and Conflict Resolution
If you’re experiencing noise complaints, don’t fret – multiple options are available to help you.
One of the most straightforward solutions is to check if your apartment complex offers mediation services.
Many apartment complexes offer mediation services to help resolve disputes between tenants. They usually have a team of professionals who specialize in conflict resolution and can help you develop a solution that works for both parties.
Alternatively, there are many third-party mediation options available that can also help you resolve the issue calmly and professionally.
These experts use conflict resolution techniques to bring about mutual understanding and agreement, ensuring a peaceful living situation for everyone involved.
With these options at your disposal, you can now easily tackle any noise complaint and come out the other side feeling relaxed and stress-free!
#12 Communicate with your neighbor
Finally, it’s always a good idea to talk to your neighbor about their noise complaints and devise a suitable solution for both of you.
Sometimes just speaking to your neighbor can go a long way in resolving the issue and creating a mutual understanding between you.
If they don’t want to be disturbed by noise late at night, help them find ways to shield themselves from noise, such as spongy carpeting, thick curtains, and soundproof insulation. Awareness of their needs is a great way to maintain a harmonious relationship with your neighbor.
Noise control is essential to ensure peace and harmony in any home. By being mindful of your activities and understanding the effect of noise on those around you, you can help maintain a respectful environment conducive to everyone’s comfort.
Utilizing noise-canceling technology, scheduling activities thoughtfully, and communicating with your neighbor are great ways to stop your downstairs neighbor from complaining about the noise.
As long as everyone is willing to take the necessary steps to keep noise levels to a minimum, living in harmony with your neighbor can be achieved.
10 FAQs to Understand If the downstairs neighbor complaining about noise
Q1: Can my downstairs neighbors hear everything I do?
Ans: It depends on the soundproofing of your home. If you can hear everything from your downstairs neighbor, they will likely hear you.
Q2: How do I prevent my downstairs neighbors from hearing noise?
Ans: To prevent complaints from your downstairs neighbor, use noise-canceling technology, schedule activities carefully, and communicate with them. Also, add soundproofing materials like curtains, carpeting, and insulation to reduce noise transmission through walls and floors.
Q3: What is the most common complaint of neighbors?
Ans: The most common complaint of neighbors is excessive noise. This can include loud music, talking, and other activities that disturb the neighborhood’s peace.
Q4: What is acceptable noise from Neighbours?
Ans: Acceptable noise from neighbors includes talking, playing music at reasonable levels, and other activities that are not too loud or disruptive.
Q5: Is it normal to hear upstairs Neighbours?
Ans: Depending on the soundproofing of your home, it is normal to hear some noise from upstairs neighbors. However, if the noise is excessive or disruptive, it may be a good idea to communicate with them and find ways to reduce the noise.
Q6: Is there a law against noisy Neighbours?
Ans: Yes, there are laws in place in the United States to protect people from excessive noise from their neighbors. Local laws vary, so it is best to check with your local government for specific regulations.
Q7: How do I stop my downstairs neighbors from making noise?
Ans: To prevent your downstairs neighbor from making noise, try to communicate with them and come to an agreement about acceptable noise levels. Also, use soundproofing materials in the home and noise-canceling technology to reduce the amount of sound that travels between floors.
Q8: How do I deal with my neighbors complaining about everything?
Ans: To deal with a neighbor who complains about everything, try to communicate with them and agree on acceptable noise levels. Additionally, use soundproofing materials in the home and respect their needs. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to seek legal advice.
Q9: How much noise is too much from upstairs neighbors?
Ans: The acceptable noise level from upstairs neighbors will vary depending on local laws and regulations. Generally, anything over 55 decibels is considered too much noise.
Q10: How do you respond to a complaining neighbor?
Ans: The best way to respond to a complaining neighbor is to be respectful and try to agree on acceptable noise levels. Communication is critical, so listening and explaining your side of the story is essential. Additionally, consider using soundproofing materials in the home and utilizing noise-canceling technology.
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