How to Soundproof Car Trunk: 14 Effective Ways

Whether you’re a music enthusiast looking to enhance your car audio system or simply seeking a quieter and more peaceful driving experience, soundproofing your car trunk can make a significant difference.

A noisy trunk can not only be annoying but also impact the overall quality of your audio.

This comprehensive guide will explore How to Soundproof Car Trunk in Fourteen different ways.

You will learn why trunks can be noisy, choose the right materials, and execute the soundproofing process.

Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or looking for professional assistance, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to transform your car into a peaceful sanctuary on wheels!

Use acoustic blankets, carpets, or subwoofer boxes to soundproof your car trunk to absorb and reduce noise. Insulate and line all trunk surfaces with sound absorbing materials. Optimal results are achieved with materials having an STC rating of at least 20. Seal edges and joints carefully for maximum effectiveness.

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How to Soundproof Car Trunk

Reasons for a Noisy Car Trunk

Car trunks can be a significant noise source, especially in older vehicles.

The noise can become even more pronounced if you have upgraded your sound system or modified your vehicle. Understanding the reasons behind the noise can help you tackle the issue effectively.

Two primary sources of noise in car trunks are airborne noise and structural noise.

Airborne noise refers to external sounds that penetrate the trunk through the air, such as road noise, construction noise, or traffic noise.

On the other hand, structural noise originates from vibrations and movements within the vehicle, including engine noise, tire noise, and rattling loose parts.

Identifying the specific sources of noise in your car trunk will enable you to choose the most appropriate soundproofing techniques and materials to address the problem effectively.

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Benefits of Soundproofing Car Trunk

Before we delve into soundproofing techniques, let’s explore the benefits of soundproofing your car trunk.

On the road, unwanted noise can significantly distract and cause discomfort. 

By soundproofing your car, you can reduce external noise, such as traffic sounds, wind noise, and road vibrations. 

Additionally, sound-deadening materials can improve the acoustics inside your vehicle, enhancing the audio quality of your speakers and making your driving experience more enjoyable.

By investing in soundproofing, you can:

  1. Enhance Audio Quality: Soundproofing your trunk can significantly improve the quality of your car’s audio system. You’ll enjoy clearer and more immersive sound by reducing external noise and vibrations.
  2. Minimize Noise Disturbance: A soundproofed trunk helps to keep unwanted noise out, creating a quieter environment inside the car. This is particularly beneficial for long drives or when driving in noisy areas.
  3. Protect Your Vehicle: Excessive noise can cause damage to your car’s interior, including the upholstery and other components. Soundproofing acts as a protective barrier, shielding your vehicle from potential harm.
  4. Increase Comfort: A quieter cabin enhances the overall comfort of your driving experience. You’ll be able to enjoy a peaceful environment, whether you’re commuting to work or embarking on a road trip.

Now that we understand the benefits of soundproofing your car trunk let’s explore ten effective ways to achieve a quieter and more enjoyable driving experience.

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Car Trunk Soundproofing Materials

Before you begin your car trunk soundproofing journey, it’s crucial to understand the different types of materials available. Choosing the right sound-deadening materials will significantly impact the effectiveness of your project. 

Let’s explore the most commonly used materials for car soundproofing:

Butyl-based Mat: Butyl-based mats, such as Dynamat and Noico, are popular choices for sound deadening. They are highly heat-resistant and effective at reducing vibrations and noise. These mats are typically self-adhesive, making installation relatively straightforward.

Asphalt-based Mat: Asphalt-based mats, like Fatmat and Kilmat, are more budget-friendly options. While they can provide some sound deadening, they may not be as effective as butyl-based mats. Additionally, asphalt mats can emit odors, making them less suitable for hot weather conditions.

Foam Panels: Foam panels like Hushmat and Uxcell are lightweight and easy to install. They are excellent for reducing high-frequency noise and can be combined with other sound-deadening materials for optimal results.

Mass Loaded Vinyl (MLV): MLV is a dense and flexible material that offers excellent soundproofing capabilities. It is commonly used to block noise transmission and can be installed in various areas of your car, including the trunk.

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DIY vs. Professional Car Trunk Sound Deadening

When it comes to soundproofing your car, you have two options: DIY or professional service.

Both approaches have pros and cons, so it’s essential to consider your budget, time, and level of expertise before deciding.

If you’re a handy person who enjoys taking on DIY projects, you can save money by tackling the sound-deadening process yourself.

DIY soundproofing allows you to customize the materials and installation to suit your needs.

However, remember that it can be time-consuming and require some technical knowledge.

On the other hand, professional soundproofing services offer convenience and expertise.

Car soundproofing specialists have the knowledge and experience to assess your vehicle’s unique acoustic needs and recommend the most effective solutions. While it may be more expensive, professional installation can ensure optimal results and save time and effort.

14 Steps to Soundproof Car Trunk

Now that you’re familiar with the materials let’s dive into the step-by-step process of soundproofing your car trunk.

Whether you choose the DIY route or seek professional assistance, these steps will guide you toward a quieter and more enjoyable driving experience.

1: Prepare Your Car Trunk

Before you begin the installation process, preparing your car trunk is essential.

Remove all items inside the trunk, including carpets, trimmings, and spare parts.

Thoroughly clean the trunk with detergent and alcohol to ensure a clean surface for the soundproofing materials.

2: Measure and Calculate the Required Materials

To determine the quantity of sound-deadening materials, you’ll need to measure your car trunk’s surface area.

Remember that most car trunks are approximately 15 to 30 square feet in size.

Consider the vehicle type and the level of soundproofing you desire to calculate the required materials accurately.

3: Apply the Sound Deadening Layer

Start by applying the sound-deadening layer to the major structural parts of your car trunk.

Cut the butyl-based or asphalt-based mat to the appropriate size and stick it onto the surfaces.

Ensure that you cover the entire area to effectively reduce vibrations and noise.

4: Install the Sound Blocking Layer

To further enhance soundproofing, install a sound-blocking layer on the sound-deadening material.

This layer can be made from heavy-duty cardboard or other suitable materials.

It will act as an additional barrier against external noise and provide extra space for storage.

5: Address Specific Noise Sources

Pay attention to specific noise sources in your car trunk, such as loose parts or rattling objects. Secure these items or add extra soundproofing materials to eliminate any unwanted noise. This step will ensure a comprehensive soundproofing solution.

6: Soundproofing Blankets or Mats

One of the most versatile and cost-effective methods of soundproofing your car trunk is using soundproofing blankets or mats. These materials are easy to install and provide effective noise reduction. Here’s how you can use them:

1. Measure the Trunk: Start by measuring the different areas of your trunk, including the floor, sides, and trunk door. This will help you determine the amount of material you’ll need.

2. Choose the Right Blankets or Mats: Select high-quality soundproofing blankets or mats designed for automotive use. Ensure that they are thick and dense for optimal noise reduction.

3. Apply the Material: Start by applying the blankets or mats to the sides and floor of the trunk. Use adhesive or tape to secure them in place. You may need glue or tape to attach the soundproofing foam to the trunk door.

Following these steps can significantly reduce noise transmission from the trunk and enjoy a quieter driving experience.

7: Heavy-Duty Door Insulation

The trunk door is often a significant source of noise transmission. You can use heavy-duty door insulation to block out noise and vibrations to address this. Here’s how:

1. Remove Trunk Panels: Begin by removing the panels on the trunk door. This will give you access to the interior surface.

2. Measure and Cut Insulation: Measure the dimensions of the trunk door and cut the heavy-duty door insulation accordingly. Ensure that the insulation fits snugly into the door panel.

3. Apply Insulation: Use adhesive or tape to attach the insulation to the interior of the trunk door. Press firmly to ensure a secure bond.

By insulating the trunk door, you can significantly reduce noise transmission and enhance the overall soundproofing of your car trunk.

8: Line the Trunk with Carpets or Rugs

Lining your trunk with carpets or rugs is another effective way to reduce noise and prevent sound from echoing within the trunk. Follow these steps to line your trunk with carpets or rugs:

1. Choose Thick and Dense Materials: Opt for thick and dense carpets or rugs that can effectively deaden sound. Avoid materials that are too thin or lightweight.

2. Measure and Cut: Measure the dimensions of your trunk and cut the carpets or rugs accordingly. Leave a little extra material to ensure a proper fit.

3. Install the Carpets or Rugs: Place the carpets or rugs on the floor and sides of the trunk. Ensure they are securely in place and cover as much surface area as possible.

Lining your trunk with carpets or rugs will help absorb sound and reduce noise transmission within the trunk space.

9: Use Egg Crates or Foam Mats

Egg crates or foam mats are readily available at craft stores and can be used to line the inside of your trunk. These materials are effective at absorbing sound and reducing overall noise levels. Here’s how you can use them:

1. Measure and Cut: Measure the dimensions of your trunk and cut the egg crates or foam mats accordingly. Ensure that they fit snugly into the trunk space.

2. Install the Egg Crates or Foam Mats: Place the egg crates or foam mats on the floor and sides of the trunk. You can use adhesive or tape to secure them in place.

By lining your trunk with egg crates or foam mats, you can effectively absorb sound and minimize noise transmission within the trunk.

10: Install a Subwoofer Box

If you have a subwoofer in your trunk, installing a subwoofer box can help enclose the subwoofer and prevent sound from escaping. Follow these steps to install a subwoofer box:

1. Choose the Right Box: Select a subwoofer box that is compatible with your subwoofer and fits securely in your trunk. Ensure that it provides adequate insulation to contain the sound.

2. Remove Trunk Panels: Remove the panels on the trunk walls and floor to create space for the subwoofer box.

3. Install the Subwoofer Box: Place the subwoofer box in the desired location within the trunk. Ensure that it is securely fastened and does not obstruct any other components.

Enclosing the subwoofer in a box can contain the sound and prevent excessive noise from escaping the trunk.

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11: Use Sound-Deadening Material

Sound-deadening materials are designed to reduce noise and vibrations. These materials can be found at most auto parts stores and are commonly used to line the interior of the car trunk. Here’s how you can use them:

1: Measure and Cut: Measure the different areas of your trunk, including the sides, floor, and trunk door. Cut the sound-deadening material according to the dimensions.

2: Apply the Material: Start by applying the sound-deadening material to the sides and floor of the trunk. Use adhesive or tape to secure it in place. You may need glue or tape for the trunk door to attach the material.

Sound-deadening material can effectively reduce noise transmission within the trunk and create a quieter environment.

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12: Soundproofing the License Plate

While it may seem minor, a standard license plate frame can cause noise and vibration issues.

To address this, consider installing a silicone license plate frame. Here’s how:

1. Remove the Existing License Plate Frame: Take off your car’s standard license plate frame.

2. Install the Silicone License Plate Frame: Place the silicone license plate frame over the license plate and secure it. Ensure that it fits snugly and does not rattle or vibrate.

You can add material behind the license plate holder for additional sound deadening to further reduce noise and vibrations.

13: Seek Professional Help

If you find the soundproofing process too complicated or time-consuming, seek professional help.

Many car audio specialists and auto shops offer soundproofing services at reasonable prices.

They have the expertise and equipment to effectively soundproof your car trunk, ensuring optimal noise reduction and audio quality.

14: Finish with Final Touches

Once you’ve installed the soundproofing materials, it’s time to give your car trunk a polished look.

Remove any excess glue, tape, or debris, and ensure everything is neat and clean.

This final touch will improve the aesthetics and give you a sense of satisfaction in creating a sound-deadening car.

04 Ways to Find Car Soundproofing Services Near You

If you prefer to leave the soundproofing process to the experts, finding professional car soundproofing services near you is essential. Here are a few methods to locate reputable service providers:

1: Online Search: Conduct a search using the primary keyword “car soundproofing near me” to find local service providers. Read customer reviews and websites for more information on their services and expertise.

2: Ask for Recommendations: Reach out to friends, family, or car enthusiasts in your area who have previously soundproofed their cars. They can provide valuable recommendations and insights based on their personal experiences. Visit

3: Local Car Audio Shops: Local car audio shops often offer soundproofing services or can refer you to trusted professionals in the industry. Visit these shops and inquire about their soundproofing options and pricing.

4: Consult Car Dealerships: Contact car dealerships in your area and inquire about soundproofing services. They may partner with reputable service providers or offer soundproofing as an additional service.

Remember to request quotes from multiple service providers, compare their offerings, and ensure they have proper certifications and experience in car soundproofing.

Conclusion of Car Trunk Soundproofing Process

Soundproofing your car trunk is a worthwhile investment that greatly enhances your driving experience. 

Whether you take the DIY approach or seek professional assistance, the benefits of reducing noise and creating a more comfortable environment are undeniable.

By implementing the fourteen effective car sound-deadening hacks mentioned in this guide, you can create a quieter and more enjoyable environment inside your vehicle.

Whether you use soundproofing blankets, line your trunk with carpets, or install a subwoofer box, each method minimizes noise transmission and enhances your overall comfort.

So take the necessary steps to soundproof your car trunk and enjoy a peaceful, immersive audio experience on your next drive.

Remember, if you feel overwhelmed or unsure about the soundproofing process, don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals who can assist you in achieving optimal results.

Your car trunk deserves the best soundproofing treatment to ensure a quiet and enjoyable ride.

05 FAQs on How to Soundproof Car Trunk

Q1: Are cars soundproof from the inside?

Ans: No, cars are not soundproof from the inside. Soundproofing your car requires using materials that absorb and reduce noise levels. This can be done by installing sound-absorbing materials such as acoustic blankets, carpets, or subwoofer boxes.

Q2: How much does it cost to soundproof a trunk?

Ans: The cost of soundproofing a trunk depends on the materials and services used. Generally, the cost can range from $50 to $500 depending on the size of the trunk and the type of soundproofing materials used. If you hire a professional service provider, additional costs may apply.

Q3: How much soundproofing do I need for the car?

Ans: Using materials with an STC rating of at least 20 is recommended to achieve optimal results. Additionally, it is important to ensure that all surfaces in the vehicle are properly insulated and lined with sound-absorbing materials.

Q4: How can I reduce the body noise in my car?

Ans: The best way to reduce body noise in your car is to use soundproofing materials such as acoustic blankets, carpets, or subwoofer boxes. You can also install a noise-canceling system in your car to help block out external noises. It is important to ensure that all surfaces in the vehicle are properly insulated and lined with sound absorbing materials for optimal results.

Q5: Where to put sound deadening in the car?

Ans: Sound deadening materials should be installed on all surfaces inside the car. This includes the trunk, doors, roof, floor, and other interior walls. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the sound-deadening material is securely attached to the car’s metal frame. The material should also be carefully sealed around all edges and joints to maximize its effectiveness.

About the author

Dipa Paul is a Home Improvement Blogger 🏠 Sharing DIY tips, product revs, & renovation stories 💡 15 yrs exp. 🔧Key strengths: creativity, problem-solving 🔥 Unique selling point: cost-effective solutions 💬 Let's build something beautiful together!

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