Low Frequency Noise from Neighbours: Best Solutions

As a homeowner or renter, you expect to have some level of noise from your neighbors. However, when that noise becomes a constant low frequency hum, it can be a major disturbance to your daily life.

Low frequency noise from neighbors can lead to a variety of health concerns and can even cause structural damage to your home.

In this article, we will explore the sources of low frequency noise from neighbours and provide solutions for reducing or eliminating it.

The reasons for low frequency noise from neighbours can include loud music, TVs, parties, and home renovations. We can block this noise by installing soundproofing materials, such as foam, acoustic tiles, and rubber mats.

Low frequency noise is defined as sound waves with a frequency below 200 Hz. This type of noise can be difficult to detect, but it can be very disruptive to your daily life. low frequency noise from neighbours can be caused by a variety of sources, including HVAC systems, refrigerators, and even human activity.

According to a study by the World Health Organization, exposure to low frequency noise can cause a variety of health effects, including headaches, fatigue, and insomnia. Additionally, long-term exposure can lead to more serious health concerns such as cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, and even cancer.

Related: 11 Low Frequency Noise to Annoy Neighbours

Low Frequency Noise from Neighbours Best Solutions
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Solutions for the Low Frequency Noise from Neighbours Best Solutions

Sources of Low Frequency Noise from Neighbors

There are several sources of low frequency noise from neighbors. Below are five common sources of low frequency noise and how to identify them.

HVAC Systems: HVAC systems are a common source of low frequency noise. You can identify this type of noise by listening to a constant hum or vibration. If you suspect your neighbor’s HVAC system is the source of the noise, ask them to have it serviced or inspected.

Refrigerators: Refrigerators can also emit low frequency noise. This type of noise is typically a low hum or vibration. If you suspect your neighbor’s refrigerator is the source of the noise, ask them to have it inspected or replaced.

Human Activity: Human activity, such as walking or moving furniture, can also cause low frequency noise. This type of noise is typically sporadic and can be difficult to identify. If you suspect your neighbor’s activity is the source of the noise, politely ask them to reduce their activity during quiet hours.

Electrical Appliances: Electrical appliances, such as washing machines or dryers, can also emit low frequency noise. This type of noise is typically a constant hum or vibration. If you suspect your neighbor’s appliances are the source of the noise, ask them to have them inspected or replaced.

Structural Issues: Structural issues, such as loose pipes or ductwork, can also cause low frequency noise. This type of noise is typically a low hum or vibration. If you suspect your neighbor’s structural issues are the source of the noise, politely ask them to have their home inspected.

Related: 10 Ways to Block High Frequency Sounds

The Side Effects

Exposure to low frequency noise can have a variety of negative effects on your health and well-being. Below are a few real-life examples of how exposure to low frequency noise can impact your daily life.

Sleep Disturbances

low frequency noise from neighbours can disrupt your sleep, leading to fatigue and sleep deprivation. This can impact your ability to concentrate and perform daily tasks.

Exposure to low frequency noise may also result in disturbances in hearing and possibility of irritation. Low frequency noises can mask conversations or other sounds that would normally be heard, making it difficult for individuals to understand what is being said or follow a conversation.

low-frequency noise also impacts our listening pleasure as it can mask the enjoyable components of music or other sounds you would normally appreciate. Additionally, these low-frequency vibrations may cause physical discomfort, headaches, or dizziness.


Exposure to low frequency noise can cause headaches and migraines, making it difficult to focus or complete daily tasks.

Low frequency noise can cause headaches due to the pressure it creates on the eardrums. Additionally, during exposure to low frequency noise, levels of stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline rise and can further contribute to headaches or migraines.

It is therefore important to try and reduce exposure to low frequency noise as much as possible in order to keep a healthy balance of stress hormones in our body and avoid any potential health complications.


Long-term exposure to low frequency noise can cause anxiety or depression, impacting your overall mental health and well-being.

Low frequency noise doesn’t just affect our physical health, but it can also have psychological consequences. Exposure to low frequency sound occurs in a range of frequencies which we cannot consciously perceive, and yet can have an impact on our emotions. Studies have shown that this type of noise can create feelings of stress, restlessness, and anxiety in people who are subjected to it over long periods.

How to Measure Low Frequency Noise from Neighbors

If you suspect your neighbors are causing low frequency noise, it is important to measure the noise levels to determine the source. There are several ways to measure low frequency noise, including using a sound level meter, a vibration meter, or a low frequency noise analyzer.

Sound level meters can be used to measure and quantify low frequency noise. Class 1 sound level meters (as defined in the standard IEC 61672-1) will provide more accurate measurements at low frequencies as they are required to meet stricter tolerances and have a wider frequency range.

When it comes to measuring sound pressure levels (SPL) at low frequencies ranging from 20 to 200 Hz, it’s crucial to consider the measurement position in normal-sized rooms.

For accurate readings, one must stand at the center of the room while holding the microphone. It’s advisable to take measurements at multiple locations and use the highest record as your overall measure.

Therefore, if you want to measure the noise from your neighbors precisely, it’s best to rely on a reliable SPL meter to get accurate readings. This is an exciting prospect for those who value accurate measurements.

Solutions for Reducing Low Frequency Noise from Neighbors

If you are experiencing low frequency noise from neighbors, there are several solutions you can try. Below are a few tips for reducing or eliminating low frequency noise.

Talk to Your Neighbors

To start tackling the problem of low frequency noise coming from your neighbors, it’s important to have an open and friendly conversation with them.

It’s crucial to approach the issue with respect and politeness, and to explain how the noise is making an impact on your daily routines.

It’s possible that your neighbors are completely unaware of the problem and would be happy to make some changes to help lower the noise levels.

It’s definitely worth bringing up the topic politely and seeing if there’s any room for compromise. This is an exciting opportunity to find a solution that works for everyone involved.

If having a chat with your neighbors fails to sort out the problem, it’s time to take things up a notch and explore legal avenues.

It’s worth checking your local noise ordinances to see if your neighbor is in breach of the law.

In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have established regulations to control noise pollution. We can use the resources provided by these organizations to look for solutions to our noise problems at a legal level.

If your neighbor is in violation of these laws, you can contact the relevant authorities to start the process of enforcement.

Noise Reduction Products

There are several noise reduction products available that can help reduce low frequency noise. (Write at least 200 words with bullet points)

One of the simplest yet highly effective solutions is soundproofing. By adding materials with sound-absorbing properties to the walls and floors, you can reduce both low and high frequency noise coming from your neighbors. You can opt for materials such as acoustic foams, polyurethane foams, mass-loaded vinyls, acoustic absorbers, egg crates, etc.

You could also invest in noise cancellation systems to reduce low frequency noise levels. This technology uses special microphones to record and cancel out external sounds like traffic, construction work, or neighbor’s music.

For further reduction of noise levels you could install window inserts. These specially designed products create an interior barrier against outside sounds ensuring a quiet environment inside your home. Window inserts are made from materials such as glass wool and vinyl film that prevent sound from entering through the cracking gaps and holes present in windows and walls.

Finally, air conditioning systems can also help reduce low frequency noises coming from outside sources. Air conditioners improve air circulation and absorb sound waves, thus reducing the overall noise level in your home.

In conclusion, there are various legal and non-legal options available to help you reduce the noise coming from your neighbor’s house. You can explore these solutions and find one that works best for you.

Related: Best Ways to Soundproof Interior French Doors

Soundproofing Your Home

If you are unable to reduce the noise levels using other methods, you may need to consider soundproofing your home.

Soundproofing is a great way to reduce noise levels coming from your neighbor, particularly low frequency sounds that travel over long distances. Here are some ways you can soundproof your home:

Installation of Sound-Absorbing Materials:

One of the simplest solutions to reducing low frequency noise from outside is to install sound-absorbing materials on and around your walls, ceilings and floors. Acoustic foam panels, mass-loaded vinyls, acoustic absorbers, egg crates and polyurethane foams are some highly effective products that help reduce background noise. Additionally, you can use dense blankets or carpets on the walls or any other furniture piece in order to absorb sound reflections and create a more pleasant environment within your property.

Related: Popular Methods to Soundproof Basement Ceiling

Using Doors and Windows:

If the source of the noise is coming from outside directly into your home through doors/windows then you should consider using thicker glass panels for windows/doors and creating an additional barrier between outdoors and indoors. You can also install automatic door seals that open when doors are opened but close tight as soon as they are closed which reduces air infiltration. Adding weatherstripping around doors/windows also reduces background noise from entering your home.

Creating Acoustic Barriers:

Creating acoustic barriers allows you to block sound waves directly reaching your property’s exterior walls or windows. Constructing a fence made up of heavy material such as bricks, steel or concrete with high mass density helps reduce sound waves easily by blocking them out rather than absorbing them which would require more material at a steeper cost. Acoustic curtains also help create an effective barrier against outside noise while still allowing light inside the room they are hung in while giving it an aesthetic boost simultaneously.

Axial Decoupling:

Axial decoupling allows for soundproofing of your existing walls. This method consists of constructing two wall cavities separated by a ‘decoupler’, which is usually made from wood or steel. This cavity helps reduce the sound traveling from one wall to the other, almost eliminating the sound wave’s vibration which in turn reduces outside noise from entering through your walls. Additionally, adding insulation to walls when installing acoustic foam or constructing two wall cavities added with insulation further boosts this process for effective noise reduction.

Soundproofing your home is an efficient and affordable way to reduce outside noise and make your living space more pleasant and peaceful. The methods mentioned above are just some of the ways you can soundproof your home. It is always recommended to talk to expert acousticians to ensure that you accurately identify which product would work best in accordance with where you live and the type of noise pollution occurring in your area while also adhering to local building codes when constructing acoustic barriers.

Solutions for Apartments and Condos

Dealing with low frequency noise in apartments and condos can be especially challenging. Below are a few tips for dealing with low frequency noise in multi-unit buildings.

Talk to Your Landlord

If you’re renting your place, make sure to chat with your landlord about the noise issue. They might have great solutions to help your neighbor keep it down or hook you up with some awesome noise-cancelling products. How awesome is that?!

Check Your Lease Agreement

Before taking any action against your noisy neighbor, it’s important to thoroughly review your lease agreement to check for any noise restrictions that may be in effect. If your neighbor is found to be violating the terms of the lease, don’t hesitate to file a complaint with your landlord! This can be an exciting opportunity to enforce the rules and ensure a peaceful living environment for yourself and your fellow tenants.

Consider Soundproofing

If you are unable to reduce the noise levels using other methods, consider soundproofing your apartment or condo. This can be done by installing soundproof insulation, soundproof windows, and sealing any gaps or cracks in your walls.

Additional Resources for Dealing with Low Frequency Noise from Neighbors

If you are dealing with low frequency noise from neighbors, there are several resources available to help you. Below are a few resources to consider:

  • The World Health Organization: This website provides a wealth of information on how to deal with unwanted noise, including how to identify sound sources, how loud is too loud, and actions to take if levels are higher than expected.
  • The Noise App: This mobile application allows users to measure their exposure to noise over time and monitor changes in sound levels. It also includes helpful tips for reducing noise pollution in the home.
  • The Center for Hearing and Communication: This organization offers a wide range of resources on hearing loss prevention and management, including information on acoustics and acoustic therapies for improving sound quality within a dwelling.
  • Your local government’s noise ordinances: Each locality will have its own noise ordinances which set limits on sound levels and provide penalties for violations. Be sure to check with your local government to find out what their regulations are.
  • Noise reduction product manufacturers: There are many products available on the market for reducing noise levels, such as noise-cancelling headphones and white noise machines. Asking your neighbors to keep it down can be an awkward conversation, so these products can provide you with a more discreet way to deal with the problem.
  • Professional soundproofing companies: If you’re dealing with a serious noise problem that won’t go away, hiring a professional soundproofing company to install sound-reducing materials in your unit can be a good solution. While this can be expensive, it is an investment that may provide long-term benefits.

No matter which routes you choose to take, documenting the disruptive noise is essential. Keep a log of the times and durations of when noise levels are too high and include any conversations with your landlord or neighbors about potential solutions. This will help you take legal action if necessary and could also serve as evidence should you need to go to court down the line. Don’t forget to keep copies of any warning letters and supporting documentation in case your landlord threatens legal action. Knowing your rights as a tenant can give you greater peace of mind when dealing with excessive noise from your neighbors.


Low frequency noise from neighbors can be a major disturbance to your daily life. However, there are several solutions available to help reduce or eliminate the noise levels. By talking to your neighbors, exploring legal options, and using noise reduction products or soundproofing, you can regain peace and quiet in your home. Remember, it is important to be polite and respectful when dealing with your neighbors, as this can greatly impact the outcome of the situation.

5 FAQs About Low Frequency Noise from Neighbours

Q1: What are the symptoms of low frequency noise?

Ans: Low frequency noise can cause a range of physical and psychological symptoms, such as headaches, sleep disturbances, irritability, depression, increased blood pressure, and reduced concentration.

Q2: Why do I hear low frequency noise?

Ans: Low frequency noise is usually caused by neighbors, construction sites, boats, and transportation. It can also come from industrial equipment and air conditioners.

Q3: What are examples of low frequency noise?

Ans: Examples of low frequency noise include rumbling, thumping, humming, bass lines, and drones.

Q4: Do low-frequency sounds affect humans?

Ans: Low frequency sound can cause physical and psychological distress in humans. It can also interfere with sleep, cause headaches and disrupt concentration.

Q5: What to do against low-frequency noise?

Ans: Solutions for low-frequency noise include talking to your neighbors, legal options, and installing noise reduction products or soundproofing in your home.

About the author

Dipa Paul is a Home Improvement Blogger 🏠 Sharing DIY tips, product revs, & renovation stories 💡 15 yrs exp. 🔧Key strengths: creativity, problem-solving 🔥 Unique selling point: cost-effective solutions 💬 Let's build something beautiful together!

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